Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the best way to contact Mr. Canaider?
“Emailing” is a wonderful invention and will one day be used all over the world. If you have an “email” facility, contact Mr. Canaider at:
What about if I’d like to be more formal in my approach to Mr. Canaider? Does he have a secretariat or Girl Friday?
Yes, that’s an excellent idea. Feel free to talk to Mr. Canaider’s key staff here.
If Mr. Canaider’s portable telephone number really is 0407477700, then why does it never answer?
Good question. No one’s ever asked that before. Mr. Canaider’s portable telephone often emits a test signal, indicating to Mr. Canaider that his portable telephone is working correctly. He is indebted to his corporate synergy partner, Telstra, for this essential service.
Is an accurate account of the professional life of Mr. Canaider?
Yes, indubitably. The World Wide Web is no hypocrite.
How do other people see him?
This highly respected, peer-reviewed reference to Mr. Canaider is an excellent starting point.
Should I wish to post or courier something to Mr. Canaider, what’s the protocol?
Email Mr. Canaider’s staff for contactless, safe, drop-off advice. Delivery instructions should include the following: “Please leave in accordance with posted instruction. No signature required.”
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